Story mapping tool for Jira Cloud and Jira Server

Story mapping tool for Jira Cloud and Jira Server

Story mapping with Jira

Powerful story mapping solution for Jira projects.

Powerful story mapping solution for Jira projects.

Powerful story mapping solution for Jira projects.



Two-way, real-time sync between Jira and your story maps

With the powerful integration between StoriesOnBoard and Jira, you can plan more efficiently, and keep everyone up to date. Sync StoriesOnBoard with Jira in just a few clicks.

Story mapping image 1

Story mapping

  • Lightweight solution for high-level planning

  • Time-saving story writing features

  • Use the brainstorming mode to involve team members

backlog management image 1

Backlog management

  • Enjoy the real-time updated two-.way synchronization

  • Prioritize backlog items effortlessly

  • Boost visuality with custom labels and tags

release planning image 1

Release planning

  • Create and schedule versions smoothly

  • Organize your short-term and long-term plans by drag&drop

  • Push a version to Jira when it's ready to execute

“I love how easy it is to build out and arrange/rearrange a story map. The navigation features are very easy to pick up."

James Childs

Scrum Master

Story mapping solutions
for your Jira project

Get a deeper understanding of the product and its key values before implementation. Visualize dependencies among user goals, user steps, and user stories with story mapping.

create user personas
create user personas
create user personas

Create user personas

  • Increase visual support for project management and team engagement with user personas

  • Create a compelling BIO, adding details for better understanding.

  • Assign personas to epics and visualize user journeys.

Start planning from scratch

  • Three levels of user story mapping for effective product discovery

  • User story writing feature set - writing and collecting user stories is extremely simple

  • Add unlimited details, attachments, or comments to user stories.

project planning with story maps
project planning with story maps
project planning with story maps
story map collaboration feature
story map collaboration feature
story map collaboration feature

Involve team members

  • Use the intuitive idea exchange mode to get all the valuable ideas you need

  • Viewers can join the workspace in real time and leave comments for free

  • User story maps provide visual aids for non-technical stakeholders.

Seamless backlog management for Jira Cloud and Jira Server

Manage your backlog easily in a visual story map that everyone can understand, and save extra work: the integration updates user stories back and forth in real time.

Hierarchy sync

  • Integrate the user story map into your Jira project with a few clicks

  • Story map levels are synchronized with epics and user stories.

  • Create versions of the story map that are also synchronized.

automated jira hierarchy snyc
automated jira hierarchy snyc
automated jira hierarchy snyc
jira integration details
jira integration details
jira integration details

Synced details

  • Descriptions and story points are mirrored and updated

  • Create easy-to-understand specifications

  • Track current iteration with real-time updated user story status.

"Two way sync makes it an easy choice no matter what engineering or development team prefers."

Daniel Swid

Agile Engineering & Customer Innovation

Connect StoriesOnBoard to your favorite Jira products

With two-way syncing, you can push story map cards from StoriesOnBoard to Jira instantly, or if you use release synchronization, you can push all of your cards from that release to Jira.

Organize your plans

  • Schedule versions seamlessly, drag and drop to sort them

  • Don't let your development team's whiteboard get overloaded, push user stories from version to version in Jira

  • Preview what the next month or quarter will look like

MVP and release planning
MVP and release planning
versions and release planning
versions and release planning

Implement your story map into your agile framework

  • Planning versions is extremely simple by the drag-and-drop arrangement of user stories.

  • Sync version structure and version details to the Jira project

  • Ongoing project? Import Jira backlog with a few clicks

Free story mapping ebook

50 handpicked hints on

  • Discovering project goals

  • Mapping the user journey

  • Prioritizing user stories

NEW! AI bonus materials included

  • 100 user story map examples

  • Templates for specs

  • Useful articles

Free story mapping ebook

50 handpicked hints on

  • Discovering project goals

  • Mapping the user journey

  • Prioritizing user stories

NEW! AI bonus materials included

  • 100 user story map examples

  • Templates for specs

  • Useful articles

Discover ways to develop story maps within Jira projects

User story mapping is a visual product design method originally designed for whiteboards or office walls. It's very intuitive, so it's easy for non-technical participants to learn - and their involvement adds value to the design process.

Thanks to online tools, the process has moved to virtual whiteboards and can be easily integrated into a JIRA project. Let's take a look at how the story mapping method works in 5 short steps.

Build the backbone of the product or project

User story mapping expends a lot of effort focusing on the end user, so you need to frame the problem and the user's goal(s).

What are the main requirements that need to be satisfied using the product?

Let's write down these goals in a narrative flow if it's possible.

Brainstorm all this with a team.

Build the backbone of the story map

Now we have the product backbone, let's find out how to solve some steps. You don't need to think in features, just write down the user stories.

E.g. "As a visitor, I want to land on a clear, easy-to-understand website".

Add user personas, notes, and useful ideas to each card.

Prioritize user stories on the story map

Prioritize key user stories that are of higher value or can be easily developed.

To do this, you can choose the prioritization method available in the app or you can choose your own.

Display the priority order of user stories on the story map: drag the high-priority cards on top of the others.

Slice the story map into JIRA versions

To schedule the development process, the backlog should be sliced horizontally into releases.

Frame the MVP by putting the cards in the first release. Re-tell the narrative flow of user stories so as not to miss anything important.

The next step is to group the user stories around the features that work and schedule the next releases.

Push user stories to Jira

Top-level story cards can be synchronized as epics, and user stories remain the same in Jira after the integration is set up.

Depending on the size of your backlog, you can synchronize goals with epics ors steps with epics.

You can also send the backlog per release to keep your JIRA project clean. You can then break down user stories into tasks in the issue tracker tool.

All about Jira integration with StoriesOnBoard

Connect StoriesOnBoard to Jira Cloud or Jira Server and enjoy real-time and two-way syncing.

The setup process only takes a few clicks.

Take control of
your product's journey

StoriesOnBoard guides you through every step of the
end-to-end product management process.

Take control of your product's journey

StoriesOnBoard guides you through every step of the
end-to-end product management process.

Take control
of your
product's journey

StoriesOnBoard guides you through every step of the end-to-end product management process.

Related articles on
Jira and story mapping

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how to involve customers blog post
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jira structure sync blog post
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All you need to know about JIRA integration

Connect StoriesOnBoard to Jira and enjoy real-time and bidirectional syncing.

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Save time with AI story mapping

Let’s explore user stories and acceptance criteria generation with AI assistance.

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Schedule a LIVE demo

Explore the app with a guided tour and discuss how it would fit into your processes!

Schedule a LIVE demo

Explore the app with a guided tour and discuss how it would fit into your processes!

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LIVE demo

Explore the app with a guided tour and discuss how it would fit into your processes!

Unleash the power of
story mapping

StoriesOnBoard transforms your team’s collaborative workflow.
No more sticky notes, just a seamless planning process at your fingertips.




story maps


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Explore StoriesOnBoard with a guided tour and discuss how it would fit into your processes