Software For Real People: User Stories in UX Design

User experience (UX) design is a crucial part of software development that can be a game changer. Involving UX design in software development means focusing on creating products that are easy to use, enjoyable, and meet the needs of the target audience.

However, many software developers focus solely on technology and do not take real people into account when designing their products.

But for developers and UX designers alike, incorporating user stories into the UX research and after the software development process is an ideal way to create software that truly serves users.

User stories are narratives that describe the goals, motivations, and behaviors of specific users. By understanding the needs and preferences of real people, you can create software that is intuitive, efficient, and enjoyable to use.

In this article, we will explore the importance of user stories in UX design and how they can improve product discovery and the software development process.

What are user stories and what are their benefits for UX Designers?

User stories are an important part of agile product discovery. Instead of a list of product features, user stories are short, plain-language descriptions of how a software feature should work from the end user’s perspective: what they want to achieve and what they expect from the product. They usually include the user persona, and the acceptance criteria as well. User stories in UX design provide valuable insight into customer value and help UX designers and software development teams design and craft a product that meets the needs of its users.

In UX design, user stories might act as the building blocks of the user journey. User stories in UX design help UX designers define the customer needs, and the steps of the user journey to meet their goals. User stories also help the development team since they can be used as product backlog items when the product team sorts user stories by applying the story mapping method.

User stories are used typically in Agile methodologies, creating user-centric design processes and fostering collaboration between stakeholders by brainstorming, writing user stories, and discussing prioritization. By considering user goals throughout the development process, Agile teams can create products that are genuinely tailored to customer needs. 

Leveraging user stories in UX design during the product discovery phase ensures that products deliver real value to their users. User stories serve as an effective tool for gathering customer feedback and turning them into actionable product insights.

User stories in UX design help UX Designers: user stories provide valuable insight into end-user requirements that can be used to craft an excellent user journey and user experience. In addition, user stories support Product Owners and Product Managers make informed product decisions. 

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5+1 benefits of user stories in UX design

  • User stories in UX design provide valuable insights into the motivations, behaviors, and expectations of target users. By creating user stories, designers can gain a deeper understanding of the problems that need to be solved and the solutions that will best meet user needs. This understanding helps prioritize features and functionalities based on their impact on the user experience.
  • User stories in UX design promote team collaboration. By using a common language, development teams can better communicate and understand the user’s needs. This helps align the entire project team, including designers, developers, and product managers, towards a common goal. Collaborative discussions around user stories enable the team to make informed design decisions and avoid unnecessary features.
  • User stories in UX design enable a concrete view of the user. By creating individual stories for different user types or personas, the design team gains a deep understanding of the user’s perspective. This helps in empathizing with the user’s needs, desires, and pain points. It allows designers to design solutions that meet the specific requirements of different user personas.
  • User stories in UX design serve as a bridge between design and development teams. By providing a common language and understanding of the user, they facilitate collaboration and alignment throughout the product development process. User stories enable design and development teams to work together towards a common goal, focusing on building a product that addresses user needs.
  • Ability to prevent feature creep. By creating a list of user stories and prioritizing them based on user goals, the team can focus on building the most essential features. This prevents the product from becoming bloated with unnecessary features, ensuring a streamlined and user-centric experience.
  • User stories in UX design provide clear guidance for the development team, helping them build features that align with user goals. User stories in UX design also serve as a reference point for sprint planning and serve as a foundation for crafting acceptance criteria.

User stories in UX design: the story mapping process

User story mapping is a powerful tool to better understand user goals and create experiences tailored to their needs. The process involves breaking down the user journey into individual steps, or “stories”, which can be organized into a visual story map. This helps track the user’s progress throughout the experience and identify gaps in the design.

The story mapping process begins by outlining the key milestones of the journey, such as registration, onboarding, or purchase. Then, each milestone is broken down into individual user stories that detail the user’s goals and actions in each step. These stories are organized as story cards into a story map horizontally and vertically visualizing the entire user journey from start to finish.

The story mapping process helps identify user steps and journeys. By breaking down the user journey into individual stories, designers can identify gaps or pain points in the experience and brainstorm ways to improve it. Additionally, story maps serve as valuable reference points for sprint planning and release planning. They provide direction throughout the product development process and help teams prioritize tasks based on their impact on the user experience.

Let’s see the process step by step:

1. Defining the personas and project goals

Defining personas and goals are basic steps in the process. Personas are fictional representations of the target users, which help designers understand their needs, motivations, and behaviors. These personas serve as a reference point throughout the design process, anchoring it to the user’s perspective and ensuring that design decisions are user-centric.

To define personas and goals, UX designers conduct user research using various methods such as interviews, surveys, and observations. This research helps identify the different user types that interact with the product and their unique characteristics.

By defining personas and their goals, UX designers can organize user stories effectively.

2. Writing user stories

To start writing a user story, identify the target user type and their specific activities within the product. This helps create a clear picture of the user’s journey and allows the design team to make informed decisions. Including the persona also helps the team empathize with the end user and keep their perspective in mind throughout the design and development process.

The user story should be written in a simple, yet descriptive format, such as the traditional “As a ___, I want ___, so that ___” structure. This format ensures a clear understanding of who the user is, what they need, and why they need it.

By following a structured approach and considering the user persona, needs, and goals, writing really good user stories can enhance the UX design process and ensure the development of products that meet user expectations.

3. Prioritizing user stories

Discuss with the team and then arrange user stories by priority helps determine the order in which they should be worked on. By considering factors such as value, complexity, and dependencies, Product Managers can make informed decisions on what to prioritize. This ensures that the most valuable and critical aspects of the user experience are addressed first.

Story mapping involves a visual layout of user stories that reflects the typical user journey of a product. It identifies a set of user stories that need to be addressed to achieve a common goal.

Prioritizing user stories ensures that decisions about the product are consistent with the user goals initially defined. By applying these techniques, development teams, product owners, and designers can speak a common language, coordinate their efforts and deliver digital products that effectively meet user needs.

4. Gathering Feedback from Stakeholders and Users

Gathering feedback from stakeholders and users is an integral part of the UX design process. By involving these key individuals in the feedback process, designers can gain valuable insights that will ultimately lead to the development of a better product.

One of the best methods for gathering feedback is through user testing. This involves observing how users interact with the product and receiving direct feedback on their experience. User testing can be done in a controlled environment or remotely through online platforms. Another effective method is conducting surveys and interviews with users to gather their opinions and suggestions.

In addition to user feedback, it is crucial to involve internal stakeholders such as project managers and product owners. These individuals provide insights into the business goals and requirements, ensuring that the product aligns with the overall strategy. Their feedback also helps balance the user needs with the project’s constraints.

By gathering feedback from both internal and external stakeholders, designers can benefit in several ways. First, it allows them to validate design decisions and ensure that the product meets the needs and expectations of the target audience. It also helps identify any usability issues or pain points that may have been overlooked. Lastly, involving stakeholders and users fosters a sense of ownership and collaboration, which leads to a more successful and well-received result.


User stories are a powerful tool in product discovery. By capturing user needs and informing design decisions, they ensure that the resulting software product is user-centered and provides a seamless and satisfying experience for its users.

To ensure the success of a UX design project, it is useful to incorporate user stories into the product discovery process. By clearly defining user goals and desires, designers are empowered to create innovative solutions that meet the needs of their target audience. Additionally, prioritizing user stories allows teams to decide which features should be implemented first to provide users with the best possible experience.

Finally, gathering feedback from stakeholders and users is an invaluable step in the design process. By listening directly to what users have to say about their experiences, designers can better understand user needs and make informed decisions about their products. Using user stories in UX design guarantee users’ voices are heard and taken into account during product development.